Annual Member Dues Statement including additional Elks donation options
Annual Member Dues ($104.50)
ADDITIONAL (Suggested Optional) CHARITABLE DONATIONS (Voluntary) (Select amounts below):
Elks National Foundation Suggested amount: $10.00 (optional)
WA State Children’s Therapy (Tall Elks) Suggested amount: $15.00 (optional)
Lodge Scholarship Fund: Suggested amount: $10.00 (optional)
Lodge Building Fund: Suggested amount: $10.00 (optional)
ENF and Tall Elks are separate donations necessary to help this Lodge meet Grand Lodge and WSEA per capita charity assessments
The Lodge Scholarship fund helps a very worthwhile local educational cause.
The Lodge Building Fund helps defray much-needed maintenance costs.
Available Options:
Elks Lodge Dues:
Elks National Foundation:
Lodge Building Fund:
Lodge Scholarship Fund:
Other Donation (specify at check:
WA State Childrens Therapy Pgm.: